Sigil work is an incredibly adaptive form of magic, there is not a singular right or wrong way to do it. This guide is meant as a suggestion, not precise instructions. If ever in doubt, follow your intuition.
In a safe place where you can focus, ground yourself and clear your mind. Turn your thoughts to the sigil. What specifically do you want this magic to do? How do you envision it manifesting? Is this a spell that will have quick one time effects, or something longer lasting?
Write it all in one or two sentences.
Make a copy of the sigil you wish to use in whatever way you like. Copy the sigil on a piece of scrap paper, carve it into a candle, embroider it into your jacket, draw it with syrup on your pancakes. The exact mechanisms do not matter, what is important is that this action makes sense to you.
The most important part of sigil work is not the doing, but the thinking. To charge a sigil means you are doing some ritual to bring your thoughts and will into the physical world through the sigil.
In a space where you feel safe and will not be distracted, center yourself in this moment and clear your mind.
Visualize the sigil in your mind.
Repeat your intention and you continue to visualize the sigil.
Visualize the sigil dispersing into reality. Send it shooting to the stars, have it dissipate into nothingness, make the sigil so large it encompasses all of the world, whatever strikes your fancy.
You may choose to destroy your sigil or put it someplace safe at the end of the ritual.
You have created your sigil and charged it with your intention. You’re done! Don’t think about or do anything else. You may choose to record your sigil and ritual.